The first step roof contractors take when searching for roofing damage or working up a quote for a new roof is to perform a thorough inspection.

As basic as this roof service is, actually doing it can be more challenging than it often seems.

Drone inspections are changing all of that.

As more roof companies embrace this technology that is growing in popularity, the roof inspection process is being revolutionized!

1. Easier and Safer Access To The Entire Roof

Drone inspections give roof contractors a bird’s eye view of the entire top of a home or building from the safety of the ground.

There is no need for anyone to climb up on the building to attempt to reach all of its areas, angles, and valleys, as drones can be flown close to the building to record detailed video footage.

This easier access to the whole roof is not only safer for all involved but it also enables roof companies to get a more thorough look at an entire installation than they otherwise might when physically accessing the top of a home or building.

2. Faster, More Convenient Inspections

One of the biggest issues with standard roofing inspections is how long they take.

Roof services must bring and set up ladders, safety gear, and other equipment at the property to climb onto and explore the different spaces and angles of a roof, making it a slow process that often leads to waiting times before customers can have an inspection done.

Drone inspections can be completed in a fraction of the time, providing roofers and their customers with all the information needed to assess a roof’s condition, size, and other details.

Contractors can complete more inspections and more quickly serve their customers this way.

Drone inspections can even be completed without the property owner present, making scheduling easier and more convenient for all.

3. Accurate and Efficient Data Collection

With video imagery and other data collection technology, drone inspections provide roof contractors with highly accurate data allowing them to make better decisions and provide more detailed, correct work estimates.

Using the data collected by drones, contractors can better understand everything from a roof’s size and all of its shapes and angles to the location of damage and a clear understanding of what a roofing job will entail.

4. More Thorough Inspections Using Thermal Technology

One of the most important newer technologies that roof services have available to them today is thermal imaging, which can detect leaks and other damage using an infrared camera.

Drones make that technology even more accessible and easy to use.

Using detailed image recordings and the ability to be flown over a roof to scan for damage, these two growing technologies continue to improve the roofing inspection process as they become more accessible to more contractors.

5. Less Expensive for Roofer and Customer

Between the safety factor, the implementation of data collection and thermal technology, and the speed at which inspections can be performed, drones are a cost-effective solution for roofers and their customers.

In addition to the convenience factor, roof companies spend less time analyzing roofs and developing work estimates.

They may also benefit from lower insurance premiums, since drone inspections reduce the safety risks roofers face and the number of hours workers spend working at heights.

These all equate to lower expenses for the contractors and lower costs to customers.

Request A Drone Inspection From A Roof Contractor

Whether in need of a damage inspection from a roofing service or an estimate on a complete roofing replacement, property owners will receive a fast, detailed assessment of their roof from a drone inspection.

Roof contractors can safely perform detailed inspections in minutes, as opposed to hours and quickly generate the answers their customers need.

Arrange a drone inspection with an experienced local roof company and receive a thorough roofing assessment and accurate work estimate that makes roofing decisions easier!

Need Roof Services in Victoria Texas?

Contact the Roof Contractors at Mister Re-Roof Today!

Call 979-432-7978 To Schedule An Inspection With Us!