Request A Free Estimate On Roof Restoration Services

The roof is one of the most important and expensive components of any house and it can be challenging for any homeowner to get a full life of service from one.

Luckily for anyone who has a popular asphalt shingle roof, there is a way that you can protect it as it gets older or even restore it from common age-related damage.

With roof restoration services from Mister Re-Roof, you can get additional years from your asphalt shingle installation.

Call now to learn how asphalt shingle restoration can protect your roof and schedule a free, no-obligation estimate on roof restoration services!


When the time comes to pay for a new roof, homeowners often wonder where the time has gone.

No roof lasts forever, especially in Texas which experiences high heat and other weather extremes that can shorten the life of asphalt shingles.

Many asphalt roofs become damaged from UV exposure, thermal expansion, wind, and hail before reaching their life expectancy.

The longer asphalt shingles are exposed to the elements and the more of their protective granule coating and embedded oils are lost, the more susceptible they are to drying and cracking.

Eventually, this will result in leaks that lead to serious roofing damage, a need for expensive repairs, or even a premature roof replacement.

At Mister Re-Roof, we can help southwest Houston homeowners keep their shingles in good condition longer with our cost-effective roof restoration product.

A roof restoration treatment can delay damage to asphalt shingles, giving homeowners longer service from their current roof.

Asphalt shingle restoration can even get Texas homeowners up to five additional years from their current roofing installations when applied at the right time by the professional roofing contractors at Mister Re-Roof.

Best of all, it is an affordable and cost-effective solution for slowing down normal roof deterioration and delaying the need for a new roof.

Roof Restoration by Mister Re-Roof Will Help Maintain Your Roof

By the time an asphalt shingle roof is more than 10 years old, it is already starting to experience the age-related decay that will eventually destroy it.

The constant exposure to the high heat and sun in Texas in addition to the hail and heavy rains that are common, even the highest-quality asphalt roofs wear out sooner than expected.

The coating of our roof restoration treatment can reverse much of that damage, helping asphalt shingles stay protective longer.

Combined with regular roof maintenance and inspections, this restorative treatment is the best investment a homeowner can make to protect their shingle roof!


The roof restoration treatment offered by Mister Re-Roof is a spray-on coating for asphalt shingles that helps them recover from the drying and cracking caused by granule loss and UV damage.

This roof restoration coating can extend the life of an asphalt shingle roof that is just starting to experience age-related damage for up to five years.


Asphalt shingles can last quite a while; however, once the granules start falling off due to thermal expansion, hail, and other reasons, their days are numbered.

With a roof restoration treatment by Mister Re-Roof, it is possible to restore shingles experiencing these kinds of age-related damage, so they remain durable, water-resistant, and flexible without cracking and leaking.

A professional application of this asphalt shingle restoration can extend the life of some shingles up to five additional years, giving homeowners time to plan for their next roof replacement.

Homeowners interested in prolonging the life of their asphalt shingles now have an affordable and effective solution.

Contact Mister Re-Roof to discuss our roof restoration services and find out whether your roof can benefit from them.

This affordable, convenient roof restoration treatment is the perfect answer when you just are not ready to deal with the cost, noise, and mess of having a new roof installed.

As your asphalt shingles start to age, call Mister Re-Roof for a free shingle inspection and estimate for roof restoration so you can keep your roof longer!